Augustian Magazine Internationally Lauds Mendel Alum Efforts

March 3, 2023

UPDATE TO THE PREVIOUS STORY. Augustian Magazine, delivered worldwide, including Rome, ran this two-page article describing the Vietnam Veterans Day Mass hosted by Mendel Alum at St. Rita High School. This is a huge accomplishment!
From Augustinian Magazine

Mendel Catholic High School Alumni Association Veterans Day Mass honoring Fallen Monarchs and First Responders, as well as all Mendel Veterans and First Responders on Veterans Day 11/11/22, the Mendel Catholic High School Alumni Association honored the fifteen Mendel Men, their fellow classmates, that fell in Vietnam, and the two Chicago Police Officer classmates that died in the line of duty.
Additionally, all Mendel Alumni that are Military
Veterans, as well as Mendel Alumni who were or are First Responders, were honored. This celebration was in conjunction with the United Scates Congress designation marking the 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War.
The ceremony was held at St Rita High School Shrine with a Mass concelebrated by Bishop Dao Turley (Mendel Class of 1960), Father Tom McCarthy, and Father Bill Sullivan (Mendel Class of 1959. At the Event, the Chicago Police ColorGuard presented the Colors before Mass and were escorted in by-the
bagpipers. The Chicago Police Mounted Unit was stationed outside the Shrine entrance forming a welcome and honor guard for all attending.
Andy Youpel (’66), US NAVY, Mendel Alumni Association Board Member, directed the “Fallen Monarch Ceremony” during the Mass. Each of the fallen Mendel Monarchs was recognized by reading his name as a photograph of the deceased Monarch was held up by a relative or a friend.
The event included a 50th Anniversary Viemam Pinning Ceremony as directed and in accordance with the US Congress proclamation- All Veterans in attendance as well as their spouses or relatives were respectively presented a lapel pin, as well as an official ‘THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE” from the U.S. Congress, The Mendel Alumni First Responders were also honored for their service to the community with the presentation of a beautiful “Challenge Coin,” that was struck expressly for this event.
During the First Responder ceremony, Chicago Police Officer Dan Golden, a St- Rita High School graduate, was recognized. Officer Dan Golden was shot in the line of duty and is facing difficult challenges. The Mendel Alumni Association presented Officer Golden With the U.S. flag that flew over the United States Capitol on September 11, 2022. Additionally, the Mendel Alumni Association made a monetary donation to the Dan Golden Foundation to aid in his recovery and to help to defray costs.
Tom Gavin (67), President of the Mendel Alumni Association, and Kevin Lovely (78), Vice-President of the Mendel Alumni Association, announced that the Mendel Alumni Association made a $7,000 donation to the MidwestAugustinians for the health and welfare of the retired Augustinians. Mike Dreznes (68), Secretary of the Mendel Alumni Association and the Master of Ceremonies, for the honoring
Lt Colonel Kevin Lovel, USA army retired, Lt Colonel Lovelwas the keynote speaker and directed the Veteran’s “Pinning Ceremony.”Terry Gainer (65) and his brothers, all of whom are veterans, presented the flag and the donation for officer Dan Golden.
Board member Bill Kushner (71), retired CPD officer and Chief of Des Plaines Police Department, conducted I.he “Challenge Coin – 1st Responder” pan of the Evem that honored all Mendel alumni, that serve or have served as police, firefighters, and/or paramedics. They were each presented with the Mendel Challenge Coincided on November 11, 2022.
Father Tom McCanhy’s homily will be remembered for a long time as he addressed the Fallen Monarchs by describing what real heroes are and how that tied into honoring the “fallen” Mendel Men” as real heroes. He also be-,1utifully incorporated the Mendel motto … “Mendel Men are Gentlemen,” into his closing comment!
Mary Kay Notter and her crew artfully provided the music for the event. The event was very well received and live-streamed via YouTube, with the webcasting professionally managed by Ms. Miriam Arredondo from St. Rita parish.
At the ceremony’s close, two St Rita High School bandsmen played taps honoring the fallen Monarchs!
The Mendel Alumni Association planning committee consisted of Board Members and Mendel High School Alumni: Andy Youpel (’66) US NAVY, Jim Chevalier (’66) US NAVY, Mike Connolly (‘6o) US ARMY, Mike Oreznes (’68), John Fanning (68) US ARMY, Tom Gavin (’67), Bill Kushner (’71) POLICE OFFICER, Danny Randall (’81) POLICE OFFICER, John Quattrocki (’71) USAF/POLICE OFFICER, Kelvin Lovely (’78), Pat Regan (’68) and Curtis Rempson (’83) POLICE OFFICER plus Kevin Lovell US ARMY.
On Friday, November 11, 2022, The Mendel Alumni Association hosted a Veterans Day Mass and
Ceremony at St. Rita High School Chapel. Attendees walked into the Chapel through a
passageway lined by the Chicago Police Department Mounted Patrol Unit. The Chicago Police Department Color Guard and Bagpipes and Drums opened the Mass, which
was concelebrated by Bishop Dan Turley (’60), Father Bill Sullivan (’59), and Father Tom
The fifteen Mendel Monarchs who were killed in Vietnam;
- Captain Edwin Heisse (’57) US Army
- Second Lieutenant William Otto (‘59) US Army
- Major Jeffrey Lemon (’61) USAF
- First Lieutenant Ronald Janousek (’62) USMC
- William Scholten (’62) USAF
- Specialist, Grade 4 William Geis (’64) US Army
- Lance Corporal William Oskilanec (’64) USMC
- Private First Class Alan Butkus (’65) US Army
- Private First Class Craig Clancy (’65) USMC
- Private First Class Jack Dalton (’65) US Army
- Lance Corporal Robert Miller (’65) USMC
- Private First Class Jerry Fleming (’66) US Army
- Private First Class James Lawlor (’66) US Army
- Private First Class Francis Schwartz (’66) US Army
- Private First Class Robert Hojnacki (’69) US Army
Two Mendel Monarch Police Officers killed in the line of duty were honored by having their photos held up by family members or Mendel Classmates.
- Patrolman Patrick Crowley (’63)
- Patrolman James Doyle (’65)
President Tom Gavin and Vice President Kelvin Lovely presented the Midwest Augustinians with
a check for $7,000 for the care and welfare of retired Augustinians with an emphasis on
Augustinians who taught at Mendel High School.
Terry Gainer (’65) presented Daniel Golden with a flag flown over the United States Capitol on
September 11, 2022, and a check to the Daniel Golden Foundation for $1,000.
Mike Dreznes (’68) led the attendees in a rousing rendition of the Mendel Fight Song!
Kevin Lovell, Lieutenant Colonel US Army Retired, addressed the Veterans and the First
Responders, and then presented the Veterans and their wives at the Event with US Congress-issued Commemorative Fiftieth Anniversary Vietnam Anniversary Pins.
Bill Kushner (71) presented Mendel Alumni 2022 Veteran Day Challenge Coins to all Veterans
and First Responders.
The Chicago Police Color Guard retired the colors, and the St. Rita Marching Band played “Taps” in honor of the departed Veterans and First Responders.

The Event was Live Streamed on YouTube, and it was watched by hundreds of Monarchs around
the world.
Thank you to Andy Youpel and his Planning Committee for a wonderful Event.
You can watch the live stream the Mass & Ceremony at this link: .
Mass booklets and Vietnam commemorative pins [limited supply] are still available. Pins are available for anyone [or spouses of deceased veterans] who served in the military from 1955 to 1975. Please get in touch with Andy Youpel at [email protected] or text at 773 881 1378 with your name, class year, and mailing address to request.
A Roster showing the Mendel Alumni Veterans and First Responders is posted separately on the website.
This was an extraordinary Event, and we thank the Planning Committee, especially Andy Youpel (’66) for your hard work in making this vision a reality.