To All Mendel Monarch Alumni:
This is your chance to be a R-O-M-E-O! Sadly for you, this has nothing to do with Valentine’s Day. “R-O-M-E-O” stands for “Random Old Monarchs Eating Out.”
This is new concept that the Mendel Alumni Association has initiated is to encourage more camaraderie and socialization among Mendel Alumni. Three or four times a year, we will choose a restaurant to meet for breakfast and to catch up on Mendel Alumni News.
Where should our next one be? Would you like to host your region?
This is a great way to informally catch up with your Fellow Monarchs. Everyone is invited to join us, even for just a cup of coffee. Plan to wear some of your Mendel clothing, or at the very least wear a blue shirt or jacket or sweater!
Contact Mike Dreznes at [email protected] with any ideas on where to host or how to host.
Mike Dreznes (’68) Mendel Alumni Association Secretary
Previous ROMEO Events

A Warm and Festive Gathering for the Mendel Family

ROMEOs Gather for a Special Mendel Alumni Lunch
Join Us for the Next R.O.M.E.O. Gathering on February 22

Mendel Alumni Unite for Festive Cheer and Charity at ROMEO Christmas Luncheon